Being able to play a musical instrument can be one of the most rewarding and fun things you can choose to do in life. The Casio LK-130 can help you to start playing straight away, without any prior knowledge of music, thanks to the tried and tested Lighted Key system. Its built-in lesson function allows you to learn and practise at your own pace, with 100 songs to keep you inspired.



three step lesson function

The LK-130 teaches each song in three easy steps. First, become familiar with the timing of the notes by watching the keys light up as you listen to your chosen song. Next, play along at a pace that is comfortable for you. Finally, gain confidence by practising the piece at a faster tempo. 





  • 61 Piano shaped keys, ideal for young student musicians.

  • Lighted keys show you which notes to play.

  • 100 Practice Pieces, for plenty of inspiration.

  • Up to 4 Hours Battery Life.

  • LCD Display, for easy of use.

  • Compatible with AC Adaptor AD-E95100 (Included).